

做手术可能会让人感到困惑和不舒服. To better prepare you for your surgery, 上州社区医院 has published a guide to surgery. 为您的手术做好准备,您需要完成以下步骤:


患者被要求填写并归还 提前登记表格. The 提前登记表格 asks for information about you and your insurance. 这些信息都是纽约州法规所要求的, 请把表格填完整. 如果您对提前登记表格有疑问, 请致电(315)492-5538.

  • 保险信息
    Fill out only the insurance information that applies to you and your coverage. If you or your spouse have several types of coverage, please include all information. 如果可能的话,附上你的保险卡的复印件. If you have questions regarding your insurance coverage or pre-admission certification, 请致电商务办公室(315)464-4320.
  • 入院前认证
    Your insurance plan or employer may require pre-admission certification prior approval for a hospital stay. 如果是这样,你有责任获得必要的批准. Please check with your employer or insurance carrier in advance regarding any requirements you must meet to obtain coverage.
  • 语言翻译
    如果您需要语言翻译的服务, please call the Patient Access Department at (315) 492-5538 or note your request on your Advance registration form. 我们将免费为您提供口译员.


In some cases, patients must have tests performed prior to a surgical procedure. 入院前测试 is usually done no earlier than 14 days before surgery.

如果你被安排参加入学前考试, the date and time of your appointment are shown on the label on the back cover of this brochure. 患者需要为入院前测试做准备和登记. This includes completing the following forms and bringing them to your pre-admission appointment:

  • 通用药物表格
    在你预约的那天, please inform the hospital personnel of any medication you have taken before your tests. Please make sure you complete the universal medication form and bring it to your pre-admission testing appointment.
  • 医疗代理表格
    The New York State Health Care Proxy Law allows you to appoint someone you trust - a family member or close friend - as your health care agent to make decisions regarding your care should you lost the ability to make these decisions for yourself. This law gives you the power to make sure that health care professionals follow your wishes. Health Care Proxy forms are distributed at your pre-admission testing visit.
  • 预先指示文件
    An advance directive is a written document that you may use under certain circumstances to tell others what care you would like to receive or not receive should you become unable to express your wishes at some point in the future. Adults in New York State have the right to accept or refuse medical treatment, 包括维持生命的治疗. At the time of admission, you will be asked if you have an advance directive. Please discuss your options with your doctor and complete an Advance Directive document to bring with you for use during your hospital stay.
  • 禁食
    No fasting is required for pre-admission testing unless otherwise instructed by your physician.
  • 入学前测试预约
    By conducting interviews and completing paperwork in advance of your admission, 你的手术会更顺利,更有效率. In most cases, your pre-admission tests and interviews should be completed in less than two hours. 请把这段时间列入你的日程.

    On the day of your testing appointment please report to the hospital's Diagnostic Center with your completed health care proxy form and advance directives documents for your pre-admission texting. Please note that all patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. 在您的入院前访问期间, 您的手术日期和住院时间将得到确认. Occasionally, changes in scheduling occur during the week prior to surgery. 如果有必要,我们会给你打电话的.


  • 检查你的手术日期
    您的手术日期和时间将在入院前测试中给出. 如果你不需要入学前测试, 你的医生会通知你入院的日期和时间.
  • 推迟入学
    A decision to postpone your admission either for personal or medical reasons should be made in consultation with your doctor. Some medical reasons for cancellation may include symptoms of the common cold or flu. Such conditions should be discussed with your doctor as soon as you become aware of them, 即使你不认为他们是认真的.
  • 医院推迟你的入院时间
    我们的急诊病人是无法预测的. 当他们很高的时候,我们可能需要推迟预定的招生. If it is necessary to postpone your admission, we will notify you and your doctor. 我们会尽快重新安排你的入院时间.
  • 禁食
    安全地完成你的程序, it is important that you do not eat or drink anything (including water) after midnight the night before your admission, 除非另有特别指示. If you eat or drink anything within this time, your surgery may be postponed to a later date.
  • 不喝酒
    You should refrain from consuming alcohol for at least 24 hours before and after your procedure.
  • 药物
    Take only the medication prescribed by your physician, surgeon or anesthesiologist. Please fill out the universal medications form if you have not already done so and bring it in with you. 如果你不知道你正在服用的药物的名称, 把药带来,我们好鉴别. 药物 you bring with you will be stored in the hospital pharmacy and returned to you upon discharge.
  • 孩子们
    When a child is a patient, we make a special effort to ensure his or her comfort. 儿童手术前必须禁食. It is important that your child has nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow before your child's admission.
  • Please contact the nursing staff of the 手术 Center should you have any other questions about your child's stay at (315) 492-5614.
  • 淋浴和洗发
    Please take a complete bath or shower and shampoo your hair before coming to the hospital. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes that will be easy to put on for your return home. 不化妆,手指和脚趾不涂指甲油.
  • 不要带什么
    • 不要佩戴或携带任何珠宝、戒指、耳环或穿孔
    • 不化妆吗
    • 不要带贵重物品吗